2025 CIFF
展会时间:2025年05月16日-19日 展会地址:天津 展会地址:国家会展中心(天津)
中国国际家具展:中国商业空间设计「新潮」大会中国商业空间设计「新潮」大会 China Commercial Design+Conference 为期3天的中国商业空间设计「新潮」大会,著名经济学家、商业趋势研究、商业地产运营、新消费品牌管理、办公空间设计、商业空间设计与规划等领域的知名专家、资深媒体人、杰出设计师代表等30位重磅嘉宾亲临现场,打造4大主题论坛,累计11小时演讲时长。从宏观经济到场景打造、捕捉个性丰富又多变的年轻化需求趋势,为办公及商业空间设计带来更多可能性和想象力,带领观众一同观察消费多元化下的空间新解,探索商业及办公空间的新路径、新模式、新业态。The 3-day conference featured 30 heavyweight guests incuding famous economists, businesstrend researchers, commercial real estate operators, new consumer brand managers, office spacedesigners, and renowned designers in commercial space design and planning. A total of 11 hoursof speeches at 4 forums were delivered. From macroeconomics to scene creation and thediversified ever-changing trend of young people's demand, the conference aimed to bring morepossibilities and imagination to office and commercial space design. it led the audience to explorenew paths,new models and new business formats. 2025年广州家博会大会黄金展位预订请咨询:谢经理13020162130(同微信) |