2025 CIFF


展会时间:2025年05月16日-19日             展会地址:天津           展会地址:国家会展中心(天津)   


iSMARTDesign AwardsiS智能空间设计奖




2021年,广州设计周联合权威设计组织、设计媒体并携手智能家居品牌“摩根全屋智能”,共同发起由中国主导,全球参与的国际性设计大奖--iS智能空间设计奖(iSMART DESIGN AWARDS,以下简称iS奖)。2024年,iS奖与年度战略合作伙伴摩根全屋智能,携手首席合作伙伴A.0.史密斯和松下共同组成「智装联盟」,并联动「豪宅100计划」发起“iSx豪宅100设计私宴”活动。活动以“智能”与“高品质豪宅”为主题,邀请全国各地设计精英齐聚一堂,深入探讨智能科技与中国品质豪宅融合的无限可能。过去一年中,iS奖从全球收获了众多优秀设计作品,并以设计为纽带,走访多个城市,广结同行好友。






‘YI YU XI’, taken from the poet Li Bai “difficult road to Shu”, we hope to borrow Li Bai's immortal and the spirit, in the hall of art mountains and mountains, and strive to climb.In YI YU XI Art Museum, ancient architecture, furniture, resting artefacts, art and literature in silence with each other, the gentleman as honed, aptly.


The whole space takes the ancient structure as the sinews and bones, and is delicately integrated in the details, becoming a vivid spiritual footnote. The carving art on the beams and frames and birdbaths, in relief, round carving, and translucent carving techniques, sinking traces, pale thick and simple, make the space long ancient charm, and coexist with the artworks.


The space is opened and closed in an orderly manner, the art antechamber is concise and empty, the design creates the openings with the help of architectural thinking, and opens the windows at the high place, which facilitates the natural penetration of light, and also enriches the force and beauty of the interior. The precious ceramics and paintings displayed on both walls add a sense of ceremony to the experience.

一层的木质古建筑构件和二层装置的黄铜质感形成“木与金”、“旧与新”以及“实与虚”的微妙平衡; 装置“做空”之后的建筑骨骼与表皮肌理在光影变化之下与一层空间形成互动,反差之中又合而为一,将营造法式中的隐形世界进行了微妙的可视化演绎。

The wooden architectural elements on the first floor and the brass texture of the installation on the second floor form a delicate balance of ‘wood and gold’, ‘old and new’, and ‘reality and emptiness’. The skeleton and skin texture of the building after ‘emptying’ interacts with the space on the ground floor under the change of light and shadow, and becomes one in the middle of the contrast, which is a subtle visual interpretation of the invisible world in the creation of the French style.


Art hall,illusion of colors, free extension of soul and plentitude of charm form a sense of dislocation of time. Taihu Lake stone water feature, immortal style, it carries on a direct dialogue with the viewer's nature and spirit.Inside, there are a number of ‘Dim Tea’ spaces, inspired by the style and splendour of poetry, interpreting different spatial atmospheres and telling different stories, which are told in a more modern way.

噫吁嚱艺术馆,湖石、 水景、 屋顶沉迹斑斑,苍厚古朴, 烟雾飘袅,光影交错间,有着言不尽意的故事。“春有百花,秋有月 ,夏有凉风,冬有雪” 静下来去看,去听,去发现,去感悟。古往今来薪火相传,一脉相承。转瞬间亘古亘今,咫尺间天地无穷。In YI YU XI Art Museum, lake stones, waterscape and rooftop are heavily stained into an aroma of pale and thick primitive simplicity. Amidst smoke and fog, light and shadow, the place is interlaced with unspeakable stories. "There are flowers in spring, moon in autumn, breeze in summer and snow in winter." Be quiet to see, listen, search and understand. The tradition has been transmitted in a continuous line since ancient times. In a flash from ancient times to the present, the views are infinite within a foot of the world.


主办单位:中国对外贸易中心集团有限公司、红星美凯龙家居集团股份有限公司、中国对外贸易广州展览有限公司联合主办 承办单位:上海中贸美凯龙经贸发展有限公司
